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Expectations for students, parents, and Learning Coach is implemented to provide a successful classroom for everyone. 

Student Expectations

-To be self-driven and read daily, take notes, limit distractions, and complete assessments on own

-Be kind, respectful, and helpful to classmates and Learning Coach

-Work outside of classroom time to complete lessons and stay on track

-Have a fully charged laptop or device, and be prepared for your studies

-No pictures or recordings allowed at any point during class time

Parent Expectations

-Encourage lesson completion outside of the classroom

-Notify Learning Coach of tardies/absences quickly

-Be aware of your student's grades and how to help them succeed at home

-Communicate with Learning Coach on major home changes or behavioral concerns

Learning Coach Expectations

-Communication with parents and students on progress and school events

-Provide management tools and resources to help students succeed 

-Approve lesson completion and record daily attendance

-Have a willing attitude to offer the most effective help to suit the needs of the student

-Complete all services offered to the best of their ability

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